subota, 23. ožujka 2013.

Two Of Us

Through the mountains of fog
and the valleys of pain
we went, I thought 
sometimes, I became insane.

                                                     And now we are still standing 
                                                     together,after all those years
                                                  behind us, too short days of laughter
                                                   and  too long nights  made of tears.

We gave each other so much sadness...
But also heaven of stars.
You and I, sentenced to be together
two lost souls, two lonely hearts.

                                                           Two souls, who were searching
                                                             very long for the right way
                                                         with a future uncertain, with the past
                                                              just like a leaf blown away-

Lost somewhere between
unfriendly time and foreign space
I was trying all my life to find 
in your heart my home, my  place.

                                                           Trying to believe all my life long
                                                          the sun has to come after the rain...
                                                          Does loving you make any sense?
                                                                   Or it was all in vain... ?

It doesn't really matter,
who's leading, who's following...
Don't ask, just give me your hand, 
I see the storm again coming.

                                (by Milena Drpic-Granic Covic)

photo by Milena Covic , Austria

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